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Creative Journal Challenge

Heather D.

Are you a designer? Maybe you are a creative person? How about an artist? A writer? Or just maybe you are a person up for a challenge? How do you express yourself? Words, pictures, drawings, design, sculptures, collage? Oh boy, do I have something for you!

Take the Creative Journal Challenge! A real challenge. Show us just how creative you really are, I dare you!

Are you up for it? Let’s get started!

What you need:

A sketchbook or journal (approx. 5x7)

A drawing or writing tool

To open up your mind

As we work through the Creative Journal Challenge, I want to hear from you. Your thoughts, comments and I even want you to post images of your creative journal for each posted challenge. Be sure when posting to social media (Instagram and Facebook) to tag @mindofcreativedesigner and use #creativejournalchallenge do not be ashamed or nervous, everyone starts somewhere! Be BOLD, you never know when you may inspire another with your thoughts, images and such. No worries, I will even post mine! But PLEASE keep it G rated as this is a family friendly page and challenge!

Watch my website and social media regularly for the #creativejournalchallenge blog post and share yours!

#1 - Stuff you pack for work or school everyday. You can use words, drawings, magazine cut outs, just fill your journal page with your creative reply. Get Creative!

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