Rebranding (part 3) - Finalizing

Here is where things start getting a little “heavy,” so since we have been working hard on the rebrand, lets just take a minute and be proud of the accomplishments we have made to this point. After all we do have a logo ready to move forward with.
After the logo is ready, the color palette is chosen, and other visual elements are prepared then they are all united into a harmonic corporate style. (We will discuss color palettes in another blog; color palettes deserve their own blog so not to leave out any details.) For the sake of this blog post, I have included the color palette and a few selected visual elements for you to take a look at.
The color palette of a bright orange, along with the typical white (light) and black (dark) was chosen for Mind of Creative Designer. Orange was the chosen color based on the color a light bulb makes when it starts to illuminate a dark area, the in between color of light and dark. (Note: Like Jesus, when He brings light to the darkness. Although I can never be the bright light that Jesus is, I can be somewhere in between. Sharing about Jesus and light of hope, however I can.)

Visual elements such as imagery of light bulbs were selected as well, for the same reasons. Here are just a few that were added to Mind of Creative Designers imagery library for use.
(credits: Licensing rights were purchased through Adobe Stock. Remember to always gain licensing rights or written usage rights when using others images. Images NOT taken or produced by yourself. You could be breaking the law, if you do not.)
Now that color palette and visual elements have been selected, let’s move on to the next phase. There are some common brand items that companies use these days. Let’s take a look at a few of these:
Business cards are a must-have item in business communication for so many reasons, yet another blog post. Since they are a must-have it’s important to make sure a business card represents a brand properly.

Correspondences play their own part of a business, and businesses have always had a formal style to communicate using letterheads and envelopes. As a designer it is important to show that a brand is reliable partner and service provider, by developing and designing a matching, yet professional presentation.

Other core parts of branding and marketing require a designer to work on creative ideas for many different areas these days. You have “standard” branding items such as banners, billboards, and apparel; in some cases some companies provide product delivery and need an effective vehicle branding.
Then you have social media branding and marketing. Visual branding plays an important part of social media branding. If each of your social media profiles look like they’re owned by a different company, creating disconnect for your users. When looking at the company’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media application, you will want to be consistent with your branding. Using the same color, design and visual elements. This will help others recognize your company immediately, no matter what app they are using.

Let’s not forget a major player in branding, your website. Like your social media branding, you don’t want disconnect. So, apply the same consistency of color, design and visual elements.

Remember as you rebrand to showcase changes, making sure to transparently share the why and how with your target audience. This way you minimize the risk of confusion with your customers when they encounter the changes, and strengthen the brand loyalty by involving them in your brand story.
In closing, needing to rebrand is not a bad sign; on the contrary! Most successful companies do it, from startups to those on the Fortune 500 list. Maybe the target demographics change, or the competition, a technology shift, or it could just be that the trends are changing. Rebranding often means that a company has evolved its original identity, possibly to adept to one of the listed reasons above and ready for the next accomplishment. Look at it as an opportunity to strengthen the company’s presence and image to the customers.
Take a look at the progress of Apple’s logo and Google’s logo over the years; some times they change in just a years time.

Maybe your company just simply needed a facelift or maybe a completely new brand identity to reflect its evolution, rebranding is instrumental in molding the right perception. There’s value in the process as well as in the final results. Rebranding is a great opportunity to reaffirm a company’s identity and values, both internally and externally.
Now that we are at the end of our “rebranding” blogs, you may have noticed that Mind of Creative Designer started the rebranding process many months ago, and has recently been completed to finish the “rebranding” blogs. I hope you have found the blogs helpful and the rebranding to be more of a reflection of what I originally set out to accomplish in regards to my faith, designs and artistic aesthetics. If you fall into the primary audience, may you enjoy great art, clean designs and informative general lifestyle content. Those in the secondary audience, hopefully you have gained a better understanding of rebranding and the type of graphic designer you would like to hire for your next project, small or large. Those who fall in the tertiary audience may the content provided in blogs, design projects and art be inspiring and educational for your next blog, design project or artistic piece!
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